

Executive mentoring is an invaluable tool. It can help professionals like you reach your peak performance and provide a unique opportunity for feedback and guidance to unlock your full potential for success.

I offer executive mentoring services to help you advance your career. Whether it’s by promotion, obtaining a new job or changing careers, I will work with you to create awareness and an action plan that will lead to achievement.

We can achieve your goals by using a model that will use four elements: goals, reality, options and your desire to realize your goals.

I provide mentoring through support and advice based on my years working in a corporate environment including leadership mentoring to give you the ability to make other people more successful and guide them to achieve their full potential as well.


Both in business and in our personal lives, conflict, often perceived as a negative force, is a natural aspect of human interaction that can evoke a myriad of emotions. From frustration and anger to anxiety and sadness, the spectrum of feelings it elicits is vast and varied.

How individuals manage conflict is a fascinating study in human behavior. Some confront it head-on, seeking resolution through open communication and negotiation. Others may avoid conflict altogether, opting for a more passive approach to maintain peace. Then there are those who harness conflict as a catalyst for growth and innovation, seeing it as an opportunity for change and progress.

In the world of business, where stakes are high and relationships complex, conflict resolution becomes a critical skill. Effective leaders understand that navigating conflicts constructively can lead to stronger teams, better decision-making, and ultimately, enhanced performance.

Similarly, in personal relationships, conflict presents an opportunity for deeper understanding and connection when approached with empathy and mutual respect.

I believe that all conflict, whether in the boardroom or the living room, holds the potential for positive transformation. Join us on a journey of discovery as we explore the myriad ways in which conflict shapes our lives and propels us towards greater heights.

team building

Good leaders fight for their teams. Great leaders support and empower their teams to fight for themselves.

Leadership is not just about giving orders; it's about empowering others to excel. Empowerment fosters a culture where individuals feel valued, motivated, and capable of making meaningful contributions. By empowering team members, leaders unlock their full potential, driving innovation, collaboration, and overall success.

Team leadership doesn't always come naturally; it requires learning, adaptation, and practice. Effective leaders cultivate skills like communication, empathy, and conflict resolution to guide their teams successfully.